Lua Coroutines By Example

Coroutines allow you to pause the execution of a function. The same function can resume its execution in the future:

local function print_recipe()
  print "mix 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1 egg yolk, 1/2 cup heavy cream"
  print "bake at 300f (150c) for 30 mins. cool down before chilling in fridge"
  print "top custard with sugar, heat sugar with torch"

local co = coroutine.create(print_recipe)
while coroutine.resume(co) do
  print "okay..."
print "yay! I made creme brulee!"


mix 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1 egg yolk, 1/2 cup heavy cream
bake at 300f (150c) for 30 mins. cool down before chilling in fridge
top custard with sugar, heat sugar with torch
yay! I made creme brulee!

I'll be going over some use cases for coroutines in the context of video games. Coroutines exist in many programming languages such as C#, C++, Rust, Python, and Lua. The code examples below will be using Lua.

AI Patrolling

Robot moving in a square path

How would you write a simple AI that covers a square path, turning 90 degrees every second? Here is what I've come up with:

-- constructor
function Robot:new(desc)
  self.x = desc.x
  self.y = desc.y
  self.dx = 1
  self.dy = 0

  self.TIMER_INIT = 1
  self.timer = self.TIMER_INIT

-- gets called every frame
function Robot:update(dt)
  self.timer = self.timer - dt

  if self.timer <= 0 then
    self.timer = self.timer + self.TIMER_INIT
    self.dx, self.dy = self.dy, -self.dx

  local speed = 100
  self.x = self.x + self.dx * speed * dt
  self.y = self.y - self.dy * speed * dt

This code is alright. I felt a little clever when I realized the patrolling behaviour can be expressed by swapping the x and y velocity components. It's terse, but it's not immediately clear that the object performs a patrol path in a square shape.

Below is the same gameplay behaviour, but now with coroutines:

function Robot:new(desc)
  self.x = desc.x
  self.y = desc.y = coroutine.create(Robot.co_update)

function Robot:update(dt)
  coroutine.resume(, self, dt)

function Robot:co_update(dt)
  local speed = 100

  while true do
    while repeat_for(1, dt) do -- move right
      self.x = self.x + speed * dt
      _, dt = coroutine.yield()

    while repeat_for(1, dt) do -- then down
      self.y = self.y + speed * dt
      _, dt = coroutine.yield()

    while repeat_for(1, dt) do -- then left
      self.x = self.x - speed * dt
      _, dt = coroutine.yield()

    while repeat_for(1, dt) do -- finally up
      self.y = self.y - speed * dt
      _, dt = coroutine.yield()

Yes, this example uses more lines of code than the previous, but the point is that the control flow reads linearly, step-by-step, like a recipe. First, move the robot to the right, then, move it down, then left, then up. The outer loop moves the control flow back up to the first step. It's now more apparent that this object moves in the path of a square.

Notice how there's also less state to keep track of between frames. The state for velocity dx and dy has disappeared. This is important because coroutines excel when it comes to representing...

State Machines

Let's try something more complex. Let's implement an entity that:

  1. moves to a random location
  2. then stops and shoots bullets in a spiral
  3. then shoots a ring of bullets
  4. then picks a new random location
  5. then repeats step 1

My solution without coroutines consists of three distinct states: move, shoot1, and shoot2. move nudges the position closer to the random target position, shoot1 keeps track of a timer and an angle, creating a bullet every 0.1 seconds, and shoot2 creates a ring of bullets to the scene and then picks a new target for the move state.

function Block:new(desc)
  self.x = desc.x
  self.y = desc.y

  -- one of move, shoot1, or shoot2
  self.stat = "move"

  self.target_x = math.random() * getWidth()
  self.target_y = math.random() * getHeight()

  self.shoot_angle = 0
  self.shoot_timer = 0

function Block:update(dt)
  if self.stat == "move" then
    if distance(self.x, self.y, self.target_x, self.target_y) > 1 then
      self.x = lerp(self.x, self.target_x, 4 * dt)
      self.y = lerp(self.y, self.target_y, 4 * dt)
      self.stat = "shoot1"
      self.shoot_angle = 0
      self.shoot_timer = 0
  elseif self.stat == "shoot1" then
    self.shoot_timer = self.shoot_timer + dt
    if self.shoot_timer > 0.1 then
      self.shoot_timer = self.shoot_timer - 0.1
      local dx, dy = vector(self.shoot_angle, 1)
      self.pool:add(Bullet {x = self.x, y = self.y, dx = dx, dy = dy})
      self.shoot_angle = self.shoot_angle + math.pi / 8

    if self.shoot_angle > math.pi * 2 then
      self.stat = "shoot2"
  elseif self.stat == "shoot2" then
    local angle = 0
    while angle < math.pi * 2 do
      local dx, dy = vector(angle, 1)
      self.pool:add(Bullet {x = self.x, y = self.y, dx = dx, dy = dy})
      angle = angle + math.pi / 8

    self.target_x = math.random() * getWidth()
    self.target_y = math.random() * getHeight()
    self.stat = "move"

That's a state machine. Or at least the crude beginnings of a state machine. Notice that the move case is concerned with shoot_timer and shoot_angle, despite the act of moving this object having nothing to do with the shooting. The same goes for target_x and target_y in the shoot2 case. The variables target_x, target_y, shoot_angle, and shoot_timer are stored across frame boundaries. There are ways around these problems, such as writing finite state machines that handle transitions between states, and/or using the State pattern à la Gang of Four, but let's try rewriting this in the step-by-step style that coroutines allow:

function Block:co_update(dt)
  while true do
    local target_x = math.random() * getWidth()
    local target_y = math.random() * getHeight()

    while distance(self.x, self.y, target_x, target_y) > 1 then
      self.x = lerp(self.x, target_x, 4 * dt)
      self.y = lerp(self.y, target_y, 4 * dt)
      _, dt = coroutine.yield()

    local angle = 0
    while angle < math.pi * 2 do
      while repeat_for(0.1, dt) do _, dt = coroutine.yield() end
      local dx, dy = vector(angle, 1)
      self.pool:add(Bullet {x = self.x, y = self.y, dx = dx, dy = dy})
      angle = angle + math.pi / 8
      _, dt = coroutine.yield()

    angle = 0
    while angle < math.pi * 2 do
      local dx, dy = vector(angle, 1)
      self.pool:add(Bullet {x = self.x, y = self.y, dx = dx, dy = dy})
      angle = angle + math.pi / 8

    _, dt = coroutine.yield()

Look at how the data moved from living inside the object to living as local variables in the co_update function. No more does the programmer have to deal with variables defined far away from where they are being used, or think about jumping around switch/case or if statements. It's easy to add additional behaviour. Imagine that the object shoots another spiral of bullets after shooting the ring. With coroutines, you can copy and paste the spiral shooting code. With the previous version, you might add a new state shoot3, or keep track of the number of times shoot1 has been visited. Neither solution sounds pleasant to me (but then again, maybe I missed something).

Until now, I failed to acknowledge the existence of repeat_for. This is a function that keeps track of the time elapsed. It keeps returning true until the timer meets the threshold:

g_time = 0

function repeat_for(time, dt)
  g_time = g_time + dt
  if g_time < time then
    return true
    g_time = 0
    return false

There's still a whole other side of coroutines that I am not going to touch in this article, and it's how coroutines simplify asynchronous code by making them read like synchronous code (network requests, file io, etc). Coroutines can be hard to get your head wrapped around. They provide a radically different way of thinking about state and control flow. Personally, writing code with coroutines has been a very joyful experience. Maybe the same also applies to you.

The recordings in this article are from a LÖVE application. The source code is available on GitHub.

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